The Jasper County Genealogist and the Jasper County Historical Society have embarked on a project to copy church records from all denominations in Jasper County. We are currently working on Methodist church records. The Lee Church is located in White County but belonged to some of the early church circuits that covered Jasper County. Records were frequently copied from one ledger to another and time frames for the records overlap. The following records, which have been copied and placed in three-ring binders, are available for researchers at the Jasper County Historical Society Museum. The museum is open the first and third Saturdays of the month from 10 am to 1 pm. Appointments can also be made with the Jasper County Genealogist Sue Caldwell (219-866-7739 or 219-863-3508).
The Church Record of the Methodist Episcopal Church Rensselaer Circuit CA 1885-1892
- Letter dated Sept 1890 or 1898 from Rev. Simmons regarding compilation of records (last digit difficult to read)
List of pastors 1884-1893
- Record of official members stating if they were a preacher, exhorter, steward, leader, trustee, or Sunday School Superintendent; when licensed appointed or elected; when official relation ceased
- Record of Neverfail class and class No. 6 showing leader, time and place of meetings
- Notice about Parker Church becoming part of circuit and change of class 4 meeting place
- List of members in full connection. Records show when received, state in life, how received, when received, when and how removed, and space for remarks (i.e. married, moved to, etc.)
- A record of the building of Pleasant Grove church in 1885
- List of probationers showing state in life, residence, when received, by whom received, when baptized, number of class, when and how disposed off
- Three 1885 and 1886 marriage records
- Baptisms 1890-1892—some show whether infant or adult, name of parents, date of birth, place of baptism, officiating minister
Recipe for “Hair Restorer from Mrs. Griswold”
The original book is the property of the Jasper County Historical Society.
Rensselaer Methodist Episcopal Church ca 1883-1894
- History of Rensselaer church
- First funeral, first marriage, first person to unite with church by letter
- Pastoral and Statistical data
- Membership lists of four classes
- Probationers 1883-1893
- List of members undated (one 1837, several 1872)
- List of members in full connections 1886-1894 plus some undated
- 1882-1895 (shows occupation of male, residence, where married, officiating minister
- Baptisms 1883-1894
Barkley Circuit Methodist Episcopal Church Records caA 1892-1906
- Brief history of church in Jasper County from 1832 to 1895
- District and local pastoral appointments 1836-1933
- Pastoral statistical data
- Probationers 1893—1903
- Members in full connection 1892-1906
- Baptisms 1894-1901
- Marriages 1893-1898
Barkley Circuit Methodist Episcopal Church Record ca 1900-1906
- Members of Barkley M E Church September 20, 1905 (name and address), children baptized 1905, member removed (no date)
- Members of Lee M E Church Sept 20, 1905 (name and address), associated members, members removed without certificates, children baptized June 11, 1905
- Members of Gillam M. E. Church September 20, 1905 (name and address), members removed without certificates, child baptized in 1904
- Members of Parker M. E. Church September 20, 1905, baptized probationers, probationers not baptized, associated members of the congregation, child baptized July 2, 1905
Pastoral Records
- Pastoral records of the Rensselaer Circuit, Francesville Circuit, and Barkley Circuit
- Members in full connections (includes deceased, where moved or transferred, married names) Churches named: Lee, Barkley, Gillam, Osborne, Francesville, Medaryville
- Probationers
- Baptisms 1900-1902
- Marriages 1900-1902 with 1 from 1906
Original record is property of Trinity United Methodist Church in Rensselaer, IN. Copy of ledger is available for research at the Jasper County Historical Society.
Methodist Episcopal Church record for Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church in Rensselaer, IN 1909-1915
- District and Rensselaer pastors in 1909-1915
- Newspaper articles from 1912-1915
- Membership includes staff and students at the Monnett School for Girls through 1915
- Members in full connection through 1915 (with when died, where transferred or moved)
- Probationers from 1907 through 1915
- Baptisms 1910-1915
- Marriages 1909-1915
Original record is property of Trinity United Methodist Church in Rensselaer, IN. Copy of ledger is available for research at the Jasper County Historical Society.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church Rensselaer, IN 1915-1926
- Pastors from 1833 to 1934
- 1933 Centennial Celebration notes
- Children baptized 1916-1926
- Adults baptized 1915-1928
- Members in full connection including many members connected to the Monnett School for Girls
- List of probationers 1915-1933
- Marriages 1915-1920
Misc: Subscription list for purpose of erecting a parsonage—payment due Feb. 1, 1901
Original record is property of Trinity United Methodist Church in Rensselaer, IN. Copy of ledger is available for research at the Jasper County Historical Society.
Trinity Methodist Church records by Rev. H. L. Adams 1956-1958
- New members and preparatory membership list 1956-1959 – Includes some baptisms
- Baptisms 1956-1958
- Marriages 1956-1958
- Funerals 1956-1958
Original record is property of Trinity United Methodist Church in Rensselaer, IN. Copy of ledger is available for research at the Jasper County Historical Society.
Lee Membership Register 1933-1970
- Brief History of Lee Church
- Map of Lee, Indiana showing church, home and store locations
- DePauw University Archives record transfer information
- Baptisms from 1933 to 1983—compiled in 1970
- Many undated, 1 from 1914, balance 1933-1970
Lee Methodist Membership Roll in Loose-Leaf
Baptisms (3 only)
Membership Roll
- Two sided sheets contain detailed family information including family names; husband’s occupation; residence; when received; birthdays; baptism dates; some death records, where transferred from; and how, when, & where removed
Both Lee Methodist records are property of DePauw University Archives. A copy is available for research at the Jasper County Historical Society.