The Jasper County Historical Society invites the community to hear Phil Teske tell about the new happenings of the Jasper County Retired Iron Club after a short business meeting beginning at 6:30 PM at the Museum, 479 N. Van Rensselaer St, Rensselaer. Visitors are welcome.
Please Join the Jasper County Historical Society on APRIL 19, 2016 at 6:30 PM at the Jasper County Historical Society Museum, 479 N. Van Rensselaer Street, Rensselaer
for A GRAVE MATTER IN INDIANA by Jeannie Regan-Dinius of the Indiana Department of Natural Resources
This program by Indiana’s cemetery expert will teach about cemetery law, preservation, and good practices. A short meeting will follow the program. Contact for more information: Judy Kanne, 863-6860 or
Jasper County Historical Society will meet Tuesday, March 15 at 6:30 PM at the Museum. Our speaker is Chris Hannon, Safety Director of Chief Industries and he will present the History of this company: 1966-2016 50 Years.
Indiana’s Bicentennial Year: 1816 – 2016
The Museum is open to the public on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month 10:00 to 1:00 PM. March 19 is the 3rd Saturday.
In April, the Museum is open on Saturday 2nd and the 16th.
We are looking forward to the April 19th meeting: Jeannie Regan-Dinius, DNR: A Grave Matter in Indiana. Several have heard her on other subjects and really like her presentations.
Indiana’s Bicentennial in Jasper County is the subject for the Tuesday, February 16th meeting of the Jasper County Historical Society at 6:30 PM at the Museum, 479 N. Van Rensselaer, Rensselaer.
Help the curator, Judy Kanne, add to the Timeline list of key events, places, and people to Jasper County’s History since the 1950’s. Bring your suggestions.
Visitors are welcome and refreshments are provided.
Contact if you have suggestions for the Timeline or questions.