Tag Archives: gravesites

January 2016 Newsletter

photo of tombstone
The grave of John Hall, “The Rover,” can be found at Welsh Cemetery in Jasper County.


This issue will include information from some of the collections we have received in the last year. Several of the articles reprinted in this first newsletter for 2016 were printed 120 years ago in the People’s Pilot published January 2, 1896. The newspaper was included in a collection of Hugh Tom Kirk materials provided to the museum by Karen Marr. The newspaper includes photos of people, homes, churches, and businesses existing in 1896. Also included are many biographies of local businessmen with familiar names like Randle, Mills, Willis, Parkison, Osborn, Ferguson, Washburn, Thompson, Kahler, Nowels, Robinson, Healy, Paxton, and McCoy. Over the next year, we plan to include a couple of these biographies or articles about the businesses run by these people in each 2016 issue.

We will also be highlighting Donna Strole’s article about The Rover that was provided by Rose Nesius. Unfortunately we do not have space to show everything that has been contributed, but we do want to emphasize how much we appreciate each and every contribution to our collections.

Download and Read: JCHS newsletter JAN 2016